Read a selection of discussions, interviews, and presentations from our artists.
More is to come, so stay tuned!
Patrick Lee
Patrick Lee’s award-winning paintings can be found at fine art galleries across the country, from Philadelphia and Provincetown to Santa Fe and San Francisco. I’m thrilled to feature his art...
Rick Lewis
I come from a very rural area, my father was a builder and my mother was a maker. I used to work with my father laying asphalt, and I was very interested in how the material acted, how it behaved...
Seth Clark
Generally, the three main questions I get are “why architecture,” “why ruin,” and “how do I make it?” I have no architecture background...
Ray Sokolowski
Read the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's article of Ray Sokolowski's sculpture, the Hope Harvey Football Team, by Gene Collier.
Richard Snodgrass
I’m a storyteller. It took a long time for me to realize what was behind all the things I was doing...
Bryan McCormick